
A non-allergenic hydrogel based on our unique microsphere technology. It contains PHMB incorporated into fully biodegradable starch microspheres, which are suspended in a gel matrix for optimal infection prevention and treatment.


SmartGel is a plant based viscous gel for use in advanced wound care. It is unique in its formulation, which allows our microspheres to deliver moisture to the wound, whilst still maintaining absorption capacity for exudate, debris and bacteria..


Biodegradable hydrogel intended for the treatment of open wounds by donating and maintaining a moist healing environment promoting granulation, epithelialization, and removal of necrotic debris and devitalized tissues from a wound through a moist environment that facilitates the body’s own endogenous enzymes.


  • The combination of microspheres in the hydrogel provides sustained antimicrobial activity for the duration of contact with the wound.
  • Effectively reduces the bacterial load in the wound.
  • Creates and maintains a moist wound environment.
  • Reduces healing time.
  • Has shown effectiveness at removing and preventing biofilm.
  • Naturally degradable in the wound.
  • Non-sensitizing and non-irritating for wounds.


The Smart Gel contains 0.1 % PHMB (Polyhexamethylene Biguanide).
allowing a quick and slower release
to prevent bacterial growth and
further infection.
SmartGel is proven to absorb moisture from exuding wounds and donate moisture to dry wounds, making it a flexible treatment option for certain types of wounds, such as first and second-degree burns.
The pre-clinical testing shows that moisture released to wound sites supports autolytic debridement, which can be crucial in removing necrotic tissue.

Through quick and sustained release, it delivers an antimicrobial proven to be especially effective against biofilm.

Use of SmartGel has shown positive results in removing bacteria and preventing antimicrobial growth and biofilm formation during use.